Brett Kingstone started his first fiber optic company in his college dormitory at Stanford University at the age of 19. Super Vision (now Revolution Lighting Technologies, NASDAQ: RVLT) was later established in Orlando, Florida where the first of many fiber optic and LED lighting landmarks worldwide were produced for Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Universal Studios and the Walt Disney Company. During Mr. Kingstone’s tenure as President and CEO, Super Vision has been honored as one of the Top 500 Fastest Growing Technology Companies in the United States, Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies in the State of Florida, Top 100 Companies for Working Families in Central Florida and was selected as Industry of the Year Award in Orange County.
Brett Kingstone has been awarded 12 U.S. Patents and more than 27 foreign patents on fiber optic and LED lighting technology and has authored three books: The Real War Against America, START Magazine/Specialty Publishing 2005 (Introduction written by Congressman Ric Keller), The Student Entrepreneurs Guide, McGraw-Hill, 1990 (Introduction written by Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize Winner in Economics) and The Dynamos, John Wiley & Sons, 1987 (Introduction Written by Arthur Lipper III author and former Publisher of Venture Magazine). He also published during college: Wake Me When the Semester’s Over which he later sold to Ballantine Books, a division of Random House.
In September of 2002, Mr. Kingstone and his company won the largest jury verdict, $42 million, in the history of the State of Florida for an intellectual property crime. The case against a group of counterfeiters based in Shanghai, China took three years to bring to civil trial and was also pursued by the FBI. Mr. Kingstone is a regular lecturer at FBI domain programs on industrial espionage throughout the U.S. and a member of the Orange County Sheriff’s Civilian Review Board.
Mr. Kingstone is also the founder of Max King Realty LLC., a developer of industrial and commercial properties in Orlando, Florida where he continues to serve as President. Max King Realty was honored by Governor Jeb Bush as the Top 100 Growth Companies in Florida and by the Orlando Business Journal as one of the Top 20 Commercial Property Developers in Central Florida. Max King Realty/KFLP takes pride its investment in the community which include contributions to the “Castle of Miracles” for Give Kids the World, Gold Sponsorship of the Annual Orange County Law Enforcement (LEO) Awards, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Golden Rule Foundation, FBI Agents Association, Shepard’s Hope Foundation, Boy Scouts of America, Chabad of Southwest Orlando, the Orange County Public Schools, U.S. Navy Seal Legacy Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, Wounded Warrior Outdoor Foundation, Isreali Navy Seal (ATALEF) Foundation, Friends of the Isreali Defense Forces (FIDF), Turning Point USA, and the Lion of Judah School in Pine Hills, Florida.
In 2007 Max King Realty donated the world’s largest globe, which formally was a landmark in New York’s Times Square, to Give Kids the World to celebrate their 20th year anniversary. PLEASE ADD: Max King Realty serves as the major sponsor of the U.S. Navy SEAL Legacy Foundation 9-11 Event which is held in September at the Don Cesar Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida where our founder continues to serve as Co-Chairman.
Brett has been honored by Citibank and Ernst & Young as Orange County Florida Technology Entrepreneur of the Year, the Orlando Business Journal as one of the Top 40 Businesspeople in the Orlando Community under the age of 40, the Central Florida Innovation Corporation with the Dr. W. Judson King Memorial Award for Entrepreneurship and by the Central Florida Society of Financial Service Professionals with the Greater Orlando Business Ethics Award. He enjoys running, surfing, skiing and karate and lives in Orlando, Florida with his son Max and daughter Victoria.

Brett Kingstone and son Max
Robotics Industry Forum – Orlando, FL, November 4, 2004
Automated Imaging Assoc. Business Conference – Orlando, FL Feb. 2-4, 2005
American Mold Manufacturers Annual Convention – Key West, FL March, 2005
South Florida Manufacturers Association – Ft. Lauderdale, FL October 10, 2007
NCMS Annual Convention – Foxwoods Casino, CT June 17, 2008.
FBI – Lockheed Martin Lake Underhill Road Facility Orlando September 2008
FBI – Field Office Tampa September, 2008
FBI – Honeywell Corporation, Tampa September, 2008
SAIC September 28/29 & October 1, 2008 Virginia and Maryland
Temple University, October 6, 7, 8, 2008 Philadelphia, PA
FBI Oklahoma City, OK October 15 – 17, 2008
Northeast Maryland Security Council Aberdeen, Maryland October 23, 2008
National Counterintelligence Executive Conference – ONCIX Washington DC October 29, 2008
FBI Washington, D.C. HQ Hoover Building November 6, 2008
National CounterIntelligence Working Group Washington, D.C. November 6, 2008
FBI – Atlanta, GA November 19, 2008
FBI Dallas, TX December 19, 2008
FBI Columbia South Carolina January 19, 2009
Temple University Philadelphia, PA February 17, 2009
FBI San Antonio, TX March 13, 2009
L-3 Maryland May 6, 2009
University of Houston, TX May 27th & 28th, 2009
FBI St. Louis, MO June 17, 2009
FBI Los Angeles HQ: National Counterintelligence Working Group June 18, 2009
FBI San Francisco September 24, 2009
FBI Domain Conference Huntsville, Alabama at Lockheed Martin Facility December 8/9 2009
FBI Domain Conference April 26, 2010 Oklahoma City, OK
FBI Domain Conference May 11, 2010 Milwaukee, WI
NCMS Emerald Coast Conference Ft. Walton Beach, FL September 16, 2010
FBI Domain Conference Cleveland, OH November 10, 2010
Mississippi State University November 16, 2010 Starkville, MS
FBI New York City & Homeland Security Bethpage, LI November 17 & 18, 2010
Oklahoma State University November 23, 2010 Stillwater, OK
FBI Domain Conference Las Vegas, NV March 31, 2011
FBI Domain Conference Reno, NV April 1, 2011
Lockheed Martin F-35 Security Subcontractors Conference April 4-7, 2011 Fort Worth, TX
FBI Economic Espionage Conference, FBI Training Center, Quantico, VA May 11-12, 2011
NCMS Hampton Roads Chapter, Chesapeake, VA December 14, 2011
MITSUI International Compliance Conference New York, NY, November 9, 2012
FBI Domain Conference Lockheed Martin, Lake Underhill, Orlando April 25 2013
FBI Domain Conference Tech Data, Clearwater, Florida April 26 2013
American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) Orlando, FL Chapter July 25, 2013
Marshall School of Business, Professor Gene Autry, University of Southern
California (USC), November 7, 2013
University of South Florida, Accounting Circle Conference, Tampa Convention Center May 30, 2014
NCMS Wright Flyer Chapter Security Conference, Dayton OH August 21, 2014
NCMS Pikes Peak Security Seminar, Colorado Springs, CO, September 10, 2014
SECURITY 500, Keynote Speaker, Washington, D.C., November 16, 2015
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